ecal S.p.a. is the holding company of Decal Group and has been operating in the storage sector since 1966.

The Group carries out its business in the oil and renewables sectors, through its local and foreign subsidiaries and affiliates as follows:

  • Decal Italia S.p.a., Decal España S.A.U., Decal Panamá S.a., ZAO Azovprodukt and Decal Brasil Ltda operate in the sector of coastal terminals for oil, chemical and petrochemical products, vegetable oils and biofuels;
  • Metachem S.p.a. and Chempetrol Overseas Ltd trade in petrochemical products;
  • SLI S.p.a.trades and provides services on behalf of third parties, in blending, packaging and storage of lubricants;
  • Venice LNG S.p.a., established in  2017 and fully owned by Decal S.p.a., is developing a project to install, within the port and industrial area of Marghera (Venice), a coastal storage terminal for natural gas.
  • Decal Renewables S.p.a. was set up in 2019 to study and develop new projects worldwide for the production of energy from renewables sources through eolic and fotovoltaic plants.